Intelligence has been defined in many different ways including one\’s capacity for logic, abstract thought, understanding, self-awareness, communication, learning, emotional knowledge, memory, planning, creativity and problem solving. It can be more generally described as the ability to perceive information, and retain it as knowledge to be applied towards adaptive behaviors within an environment.
While it is not claimed herein the Divine Intellect is an actual entity, at least not how a spiritual entity is normally envisioned, nonetheless it is the source and means for acquiring profound truths which otherwise would remain spiritually esoteric. For certain, at least, it can be characterized as a phenomenon.

If the universe were obviously based on mere chance, if it were in a state of complete disorder, if the moon, the sun, and the earth wandered about at their individual will, and if no sign of organization appeared anywhere in it, then we might justly assert that there was no Mind behind it. But because we see the very contrary of these things all around us, because the energy out of which the universe is made is everywhere inseparable from thought, we can definitely assert that a World-Mind must exist.
The purpose of creation and our incarnation is the bringing back together in perfect balance these two divine principles of judgment and mercy in the essence of God and our god-self which is the righteousness of compassion and love. The greater mission of our soul is to gain the understanding of, and to continue our evolution within, this process of healing or mending. It is within our base level of cosmic consciousness and collective karmic memory that we have the knowledge of our need and destiny of reconciliation as a group of souls through a divine laboring together. This is not a solitary or merely individual process. It is within our god-self and through immediate revelation of the Spirit that we have the knowledge of the overall great work of redemption (healing, mending) and restoring to perfect relationship or wholeness, which is the fulfillment of God’s plan in creation.
We humans have an array of other \’spiritual-type\’ abilities such as extra-sensory perception (ESP) and the sixth sense – although the full extent of human capabilities are not fully appreciated – the ability to absorb the ultimate in intelligence seems to hold a special, higher position. After all, divine intelligence isn\’t exactly standard equipment.
In glimpses of the World-Idea, human observational and intellectual beings discover an arrangement of things and creatures, of activities and circumstances, whose beauty and wisdom in one place evokes their constant wonder, but whose ugliness and horror in another place draws forth their strong protest. There is no answer to this enigma but simple religious trust for the shallow multitude and movement to another level by mystical experience for the serious seekers. In the first case there is the hope that in a God-governed world all is arranged for the best, while in the second there is the overwhelming feeling that it is so. The philosopher is also possessed of hope and feeling but, venturing into a wider area, adds knowledge.
We live in an orderly universe, not an accidental one. Its movements are measured, its events are plotted, and its creatures develop towards a well-defined objective. All this could not be possible unless the universe were ruled by immutable laws.
Is life only a stream of random events following one another haphazardly? Or is there an order, a meaning, a purpose behind it all ?
The concept of divine intelligence the cosmic order behind things is a divine one or it would be supplanted by nothing less than chaos. It is creative, intelligent, conscious–it is MIND
Although the ability to access the intelligence of God is not commonly known, it is nonetheless the most practical (useful) of all spiritual phenomena.
However, because of language limitations (metaphysical semantics) divine intelligence can only be explained in the vaguest of terms. It\’s like trying to explain the smell of a flower or sound of a saxophone. This difficulty is not unusual of course, nobody has ever been able to explain spiritual phenomena (of any type) with complete satisfaction.
Nor can one adequately explain \’emanation\’ either since a degree of higher intelligence is transmitted by this means as well… albeit somewhat differently and for more \’practical\’ purposes. However, since this phenomenon is often attributed (prosaically) to the muse of Greek mythology – as if through them we\’re enlightened – and since it is an enchanting concept, this introduction will often be referring to the muse. So to begin… it\’s as if their guiding genius is transmitted on another radio frequency.
But before trying to describe the Divine Intellect – in the sense that it \’houses\’ divine intelligence – and how to access it, a little more about emanation.
While far more people (tens of thousands) are familiar with emanation since it is a common occurrence, we know nothing more about it than what the ancient Greeks concluded some 3,000 years ago… that these nine goddesses – as the Greeks portrayed this phenomenon – is where artists, musicians, poets and writers get their inspiration and creativity. While the muse are commonly acknowledged as merely representative of this substantially-utilized phenomenon, for ages it has otherwise remained a mystery, just as much as divine intelligence.
However, the mysteries of the ethereal is often because the matter hasn\’t been put into the right context. So, to the extent possible this introduction will try to shed more light… and, in doing so, will hopefully dispel more doubts. Although it\’s a bit long, one can\’t come close to describing the mysterious in a few short paragraphs.
The remarkable spirit world
The differences between the physical realm and the spirit world are quite profound and while few would deny the existence of the spirit world, most resist all theories concerning it for lack of proof. This stance is understandable but furthest removed (the most skeptical) would be the scientific community since it has not the tools, system or frame-of-mind to tinker with the spirit world. Even if there were actual eyewitnesses to some type of apparition, or even miracles, much doubt is cast because of suspected collusion (for publicity—personal gain). It amounts to the fact that few will believe in transcendental occurrences unless they experience it themselves. Yet, for reasons soon explained, this is as it should be.
Aside from the difficulty convincing anyone of this phenomenon, there exists a related irony. It\’s the intense jealousy over claims of such spiritual contacts which would include psychic abilities. It seems people just don\’t want to hear about another\’s claim whether they have that ability themselves or not. So deeply ingrained is this jealousy that remarkably it cannot be masked which seems to be telling us we are competing for position, a position which has profound consequences as to the afterlife… therefore being a matter of life-or-death.
Although we can\’t recall it, we\’ve all experienced this life-or-death struggle once before. It occurred as sperm in a race to fertilize an egg within the female ovaries, which we, like all humans ever born, were the winners. The rest, of course, perished. Similarly, to achieve immortality is just as critical, another life-or-death struggle, and may explain why people are jealous of another\’s successes. We apparently \’somehow know\’ the relationship between spiritual contacts and immortality and sense the positions to be filled are perhaps limited. This assessment isn\’t what you really want to hear though, or anyone else\’s, not when you can access that knowledge yourself through the Divine Intellect… and that is definitely possible.
While few people would believe such intelligence exists enough to try accessing it, but once experienced the obligation to try explaining it is overwhelming… despite the possibility of generating more \’competition\’. It is similar to the obligation a bodhisattva feels to explain nirvana. Still, even though it is an age-old concept, at least 1,800 years old, it is still not widely known therefore less likely to be accepted as a truth. Nobody wants to waste time (months / years) on something they don\’t fully believe exists.
Desire, healthy mind and commitment
Further dissuading people is to soon learn accessing divine intelligence is conditional; that they must first meet some very strict requirements… more demanding than what most religions preach. In addition, progress is halted in the process of trying to establish contact anytime they wander and it may take weeks / months before progress is seen again. The reason it isn\’t easy to pick up where they left off is because \’knowing how\’ is part of the process and it can\’t be known until your mind is right. Incredibly, \’forgetting how\’ is automatic and thus seemingly designed to be. While one might partially recall, it\’s still difficult. It\’s like traversing your mind trying to recall the details of some distant memory.
All things being equal, one should be able to know where they stand daily and can tell when their \’standing\’ improves or falters. This is somewhat profound because nothing else of a spiritual nature is that predictable (reliable). For example, if one needs to take a break, like a spigot progress can be turned on or off if one is still in good standing. So why can\’t people manage to measure-up more consistently? Well, the usual things such as conflicting priorities, guilt and anything else possessing one\’s mind. Then there are distractions such as noise, being uncomfortable and yakking. Yakking about material issues with someone will damage the necessary frame-of-mind for days. All these things greatly affect one\’s focus and the hardest part to overcome.
Since the \’Divine Intellect\’ isn\’t really an entity per se – being more-so a term to describe where divine intelligence comes from – it therefore doesn\’t belong to any religious ideology. It is non-denominational. Organized religions have yet to adopt this discovery although the Buddhist \’nirvana\’ is likely the same thing.
Believing the Divine Intellect exists, or even utilizing it, does not interfere with one\’s belief in God but instead fortifies it. While the concept may appear to be paganism but contrary to what organized religions may say, a pagan simply means someone not shackled by religious dogmas. While assuredly some pagans are despicably evil, there are also those saintly and high-minded. So it\’s a matter of the individual, not the practice… just as the Catholic Church would now claim in defense for having child-molesting priests.
Intellectual levels?
The ability to \’directly\’ connect with the Divine Intellect is elusive but when it happens it might always be brief, mere seconds. However, a few seconds are enough to learn some very profound things even though it may only happen once or twice in a lifetime. Plotinus is said to have experienced it either two or four times. As said earlier, there also seems to be an \’indirect\’ connection which can occur more frequently (the muse-emanation), albeit less intense, less profound… but nonetheless still informative.
However, it\’s uncertain whether referring to it as a \’direct\’ or \’indirect\’ connection is the best characterization. Perhaps it\’s more a matter of intellectual levels one is accessing. In either case, whether being \’connected\’ or \’disconnected\’ from the Divine Intellect or from the muse, it isn\’t anything these phenomena do, we subconsciously do it ourselves. It is our subconscious mind which decides whether (or when) a connection is made. It is in complete control.
While the extent of knowledge gained would also seem relative to the strength of these connections, and while that certainly appears true with emanation (muse), it\’s uncertain whether that applies to a \’direct connection\’. That can\’t ascertained having only experienced it once. While it would seem only logical a strong connection would be more informative, perhaps to the utmost degree, one would never know the degree they reached. However, it could be safely said that even a weak connection, if such a thing exists, one would walk away with at least confirmation of immortality (as an existent).
Once obtained… the knowledge gained must be put to good use otherwise it\’s all for naught. Not only would unappreciated contacts amount to nothing… it could even be dangerous (fallen believer—damnation?). At any rate, the motto of the spirit world is… \”you decide your own fate\”.
Deciding your own fate and the soul of the world
We indeed decide our own fate, and literally, because the mechanism is within our own subconscious mind. There is no other external spiritual authority that determines worthiness but our own subconscious mind. The reason? All subconscious minds are identical in every way, one being indistinguishable from the next, except for the conscious ability to reduce its influence, muffle it\’s voice. That means there is a single subconsciousness all humans share to which our subconscious minds are directly wired. As both receiver and sender, it should be clear why our subconscious mind is the only needed judge.
It\’s the same subconsciousness, without question, a single subconsciousness we all share… just as Plotinus stated \”—whence flows the soul of the world\”. Plotinus also believed in the doctrine of emanation… the continuous transmission of powers from God.
The following are a couple of his related observations:
\”— that humans do have (the capacity for greater*) knowledge and in order to acquire it, souls must somehow journey to this \’transcelestial\’ place—\”. * Note: I added \”the capacity for greater\” in that quote because I think that is what he meant. It think it was an incomplete translation.
\”The One is beyond all determination or limitation and hence beyond description. Language can only point the way towards him.\”
\”He is present to all who have the capacity to receive him.\”
\”From Nature comes the forms of bodies, the lowest and weakest of realities. All level of Soul are in us and we have to choose whether we will remain on the level of the lower soul, immersed in the concerns of body, or whether we wake to the consciousness of the higher realities present in us.\”
\”Human beings thus belong to two worlds, that of the senses and that of pure intelligence.\”
\”— and by the exercise of thought people can gradually lift themselves to an intuition of the nous, and ultimately to a complete and ecstatic union with The One.\”
Divine intelligence and the subconscious mind
This needs to be clear… the ability to contact the Divine Intellect is up to one\’s subconscious mind, and it won\’t help unless it\’s fully satisfied. It seems apparent the same process will occur when one dies… that their subconscious mind will determine whether they\’re worthy enough to go forward (immortality). Being similar to what most religions preach, \’measuring up\’ is about ethics, honor, the Golden Rule, the Ten Commandments and avoiding the seven deadly sins of lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy and pride. Adhering is what helps create the needed \’healthy mind\’. One also must have a passionate and fervent desire to make contact, be willing to offer themselves into God\’s service and remain devoted to total spirituality. Subsequently, one must incorporate what they\’ve learned which further fortifies the \’healthy mind\’.
If it doesn\’t come naturally, a \’fervent desire\’ can also be obtained by willing it or by praying for it. While all the demands may seem overly stringent and hard to accomplish, a fervent desire is what makes it easy. Now, if it isn\’t also a passionate desire, one strong enough to make your bones tremble, the spirit world won\’t hear you.
Upon success, if one expects to get some sense of the Almighty\’s view on ethical matters including morality, they won\’t. They won\’t because having reached that level, they already have a healthy mindset. If they didn\’t, they would be at that level.
Realism and moods
On those occasions when we perceive things in a different way, often due to an unusual event which affected our thoughts, perhaps following an unusual dream or nightmare, or from being in a particular mood, the resulting \’revised\’ perception is often short-lived. Whatever briefly seemed logical no longer does. This brings up the differences between realism, nominalism and conceptualism (for definitions see New Advent – the Catholic Encyclopedia website). As a broad characterization, most people (most of the time) operate daily on realism because that is the \’practical\’ way to look at things whereas nominalism is effectively opposite… believing what we see is more the manifestation of our mind whereas conceptualism could be described as being more \’flexible\’ and open-minded. In that most people were \’raised\’ on realism, and to the extent they remain faithful to that concept, dictates their ability to think in other terms.
While spiritual thoughts often remain at arms-length for the realist, open-mindedness is a matter of degree. In other words, there are limitations on what and how much such a person would accept, varying day-to-day dependent on their mood. Moods greatly influence our frame-of-mind and thus what we believe.
Since the Divine Intellect isn\’t commonly known, it is difficult to believe just for that very reason. Often unpopular concepts remain so because they\’re not in vogue… the human \’sense of belonging\’ comes into play. Further, the Divine Intellect is not a \’shallow\’ spiritual thing, it\’s hidden deep within the spirit world and difficult to access making believability more of a problem. Even for those who have had reasons to believe in this phenomenon, even for years, believability can wane at times, especially if too much time has passed since having those good reasons. That\’s because these \’good reasons\’ are the result of having the right logical disposition (frame-of-mind) and not easily duplicated. It\’s like trying to retrace your steps in a dense fog.
From that, it would then seem that God (however envisioned) must reside even deeper, or at the core and \’deepest\’ point. Yet curiously, the same people who readily accept God as fact may not accept the concept of divine intelligence. While one might think the average Joe would see it as less mysterious – within the reach of understanding – it just isn\’t as evident as the existence of God. The light of the supreme being is shed in many ways whereas the Divine Intellect only emits a narrow beam.
If ever to experience the presence of divine intelligence, one will find its logical disposition is absolutely overwhelming… to then know for sure the existence of a pure form of logic. With certainty, they\’ll know it to be all powerful and true.
When referring to God as residing at the core, or deepest point, that\’s not to conceptualize it as \’necessarily\’ a place… but rather the \’greatest depth of understanding\’. So why qualify that with \’necessarily\’? Well, it doesn\’t appear heaven or where God resides are places but they could be. It doesn\’t seem so because there\’s more indications God is ethereally pervasive than not. God seems to be manifested in different ways – but by means of multiple incomprehensible dimensions no doubt. To some extent, from many the tales told, humans seem to have the ability to manifest as well (angels, ghosts, etc). We shouldn\’t take lightly the power of imagination… suggesting a very likely scenario that the hereafter consists of a dream state. Of little consequence however… like many dreams we wouldn\’t know the difference.
The degree the works of God are comprehensible is due largely to our frame-of-mind and less-so because of our limited intellectual capabilities. This \’inherent limitation\’ – just like a horse or cat have their limits- is offset because humans can alter their frame-of-mind whereas others species cannot… they have a fixed frame-of-mind. Aside from their frame-of-mind being specifically designed to insure survival, incorporated are instinctual behaviors designed to offset any shortcomings of intelligence. In short, the human failure to sufficiently adapt should explain the problem many have understanding the presence of omniscience (God).
Manifestation and the missing database
Getting back to the Divine Intellect… it\’s not to say it is an entity unto itself, and surely it is not. This phenomenon might even be manifested… a divine power made available to our subconscious mind. Manifested or not, it must be effectively real because of the results it generates and you can\’t get something from nothing. Profound realizations must come from somewhere but in considering this, one must also be able to differentiate between profoundness and merely a great idea. Our conscious mind can easily generate great ideas but it doesn\’t have a database from which to produce profoundness. Profound thoughts without \’cause to know\’ can only come from the transcendental realm.
So, thanks to divine intelligence and the muse, there\’s this mental enhancement. Of course, the good it does depends on one\’s follow up. Being enlightened in such a way doesn\’t mean one would become a weirdo either, or become socially incompatible, it\’s just that they got the \’picture\’ now and are better prepared. They may, however, withdrawn from society to some degree because of the peace-of-mind and contentment they found in solitude.
While the scientific-minded (realist) goes about their daily business thinking in rational terms, and while some sincerely believe in an Almighty, they rarely incorporate the spirit world into their perceptions of reality. Why? Well, we\’re all guilty of that most of the time because of the demands of the physical world, our physical needs. Important indeed, but too much idle-minded use of unallocated time demonstrates one\’s priorities which our subconscious mind recognizes and records.
Since we are not capable to do more than envision the makeup of the spirit world – which led to the naming of the perceived spiritual entities – we should keep in mind they\’re likely all one in the same… although, it seems, incredibility just manifesting themselves differently. The jury is still out on that conclusion however… awaiting ethereal distinctions. So far however, ethereal distinctions have remained outside the scope of human senses.
Either way, it\’s also about the services the spirit world provides such as answering prayers, creating miracles and supplying guardian angels.
Discovering the subconscious mind
Before we can further understand the phenomenon of the Divine Intellect – wherefrom profound intelligence can be obtained – other things which are contributing factors needs to be better understood. One of these things would be the subconscious mind. It is absolutely incredible we know so little, which is virtually nothing…but at least it was recognized to exist. While we know it controls bodily functions and is psychologically persuasive, it\’s only the tip of the iceberg.
While the subconscious mind was recognized as existing as far back as 2500 BC (Hindu texts), it would be interesting to know whether most people today would be able to ascertain this on their own without prior knowledge of this concept. In other words, not raised with the idea. Although it makes sense and explains a lot, might we still be missing something?
Although there\’s enough facts to prove the subconscious mind exists, there aren\’t enough to know all its functions. It\’s doubtful electronic probes have told us, or can tell us, nearly enough. For now however, knowing of it\’s existence is a good beginning point because it can accommodate almost any theory. Aside from how science explains it, that is, being more-or-less a coexisting mind on auto-pilot, controlling bodily functions and influencing the conscious mind, and while true, it seems more for spiritual reasons. It would explain life itself, how the spirit world communicates with us, where our soul resides, moods, frames-of-mind, ESP, happiness and 199 other such things.
The challenge therefore is describe the subconscious mind in spiritual terms and still sound \’practical\’.
Unique or not unique… that is the question
While it has always been recognized that the conscious mind is unique to each individual, belonging to them only, the same cannot be said about the subconscious mind. It has never been proven to be a unique feature like the conscious mind. It may control the bodily functions of an individual solely, and not those of another body, but that doesn\’t prove it is unique to that individual. In a sense, the fact the subconscious mind performs the exact same functions in each living individual doesn\’t prove it either way, whether it is unique or not. If the only truly unique thing an individual has is their conscious mind, then the uniqueness of the subconscious mind should be determined. Is it unique or not?
As a mental function, it cannot be said it is the same thing as having an arm, leg, heart or liver. While the subconscious mind may come as standard equipment (at birth), and while the nature of it is obviously different than any other physical part of the body, we have to keep in mind we have no control over the subconscious mind… which would seem to indicate it is not unique. Yet we don\’t have control over our heart either and it is unique, but not entirely unique. For example, legs are not unique in one sense because everyone has a pair, except the pair you have is exclusively yours and in that sense they are unique. They may be longer or shorter than someone else\’s but they are not entirely unique. The only thing that can be claimed as entirely unique is our conscious mind.
Reinventing the wheel?
While it may seem that by addressing the subconscious mind that it\’s getting off on a tangent but it has very much to do with the Divine Intellect. As said previously, the subconscious mind determines whether or not there is to be a connection allowed. Now, while the following may seem an effort to reinvent the wheel, especially since it will read like a dissertation from the Middle Ages… there is a need to practically start from scratch.
The subconscious mind is quite different compared to all other aspects of the human body and while it may come as standard equipment at birth, it is the only part of our body we don’t actually own. We may own the brain tissue the subconscious mind utilizes but that’s the extent of it. As stated earlier, there is only one single solitary subconsciousness that all humans share and while that makes sense from a spiritual standpoint, it should also be logical from a biological standpoint. That\’s because all species must be sharing the same subconsciousness specific to their own kind otherwise they wouldn\’t have the same instinctual nature. After all, a dog is mentally a dog.
If it was possible for science to determine which subconsciousness a creature had, they could better classify the animal kingdom as to who is related to who. At least they\’d discover we aren\’t related to apes. Anyway, it\’s also the ability to connect mentally with another individual (mental telepathy). If our subconscious minds were different (unique), we couldn\’t communicate in this manner.
To further clarify, this single subconsciousness is a common pool we are all connected to and draw from. This pool, in effect, is the subconsciousness of the entire human race. While it holds true that the common psychological traits of humans can be altered by the individual’s conscious mind over time, they’re only altering the receiving end within their subconscious mind, not the pool, not this greater and divine subconsciousness… which is, in effect, the mind of God.
Divine compassion and earthly pursuits
Since no compassion was felt during the encounter with divine intelligence, it may not be an aspect… possibly indicating there exists distinctive differences within the ethereal after all. Of course, Mother Nature shows no compassion either… being totally oblivious to kindness. However, just like the muse, \’mother nature\’ is just symbolism. While we\’d all like to believe the Almighty has a compassionate nature, perhaps it\’s only activated through prayer (a power unto itself). The power of prayer has been demonstrated too many times to dismiss. Perhaps too, overseeing kindness was delegated to the human race.
In light of everything so far mentioned, it seems apparent we humans must have far more power over spiritual matters than we ever deemed possible. But alas, another tangent… although these tangents are thoroughly addressed on this website.
So, is there any certainty that immortality is the reason for the existence of the Divine Intellect? For its end purposes, there is little doubt. So why say \’little doubt\’ rather than \’no doubt\’? Well, such things are not clearly conveyed… certainly not on company stationary with a logo on top. Nor was there a spoken word. It was just something strongly sensed … one might call it \’absorbed\’.
But divine intelligence can also serve mankind in his earthly pursuits. The ancient Greeks seemed to have benefited as reflected in their magnificent structures such as the Parthenon. It\’s exceedingly complex design goes far beyond the human capacity, so too Roman art. It\’s been the means wherefrom man obtained keys to doors he never knew existed. One of the first doors led to yeast. Of course the effects on civilization would be relative to the number of enlightened people… especially in positions of power.
Since we mortals have already proven ourselves sufficiently intelligent to survive from one generation to the next, enlightening us further must be for greater reasons.
Once having obtained enlightenment, one might naturally wonder if certain information was withheld… as if being a matter of \’clearance\’. Perhaps they felt they fell short and thus was not privy to certain information. The fact is, it\’s more a matter of properly deciphering the impressions gathered. Although, one would notice, there is \’lingering intelligence\’ the experience generates. As if on standby, more information seems available to help clarify and fill-in the blanks.
Reading your article helped me a lot and I agree with you. But I still have some doubts, can you clarify for me? I’ll keep an eye out for your answers.